Quick Start
Getting Started

Getting started

You can easily install Imput from npm:

npm install imput-cms

You can then use it in your Next.js app by creating a new page:

├─ app/
│  ├─ admin/
│  │  ├─ [[...imput]]
│  │  │  ├─ page.jsx or page.tsx

Create a folder inside your app directory (admin in our case), then add a catch-all route within it [[...imput]] finally add a page.tsx or page.jsx.


At the moment Imput only supports the app directory because of the way Next.js handles css imports.

Then you just need to import the main Imput component to render your new CMS:

'use client'
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
const ImputCMS = dynamic(() => import('imput-cms'), {
  ssr: false,
const CMS = () => (
      // your settings will go here!
export default CMS

Note: We use Next's dynamic import so Imput isn't added to the page's bundle. This also ensures Imput is only rendered client-side.